We are a 100% volunteer based program from our board members to our coaches. We are so grateful to have community partners who help offset the costs of running our program so we can keep registration fees affordable for families and continue to make improvements to our park. We are always looking for new sponsors and have many ways to partner with your business. You can sponsor a team, provide a scholarship for a player, sponsor a banner in one of our outfields, or even sponsor a scoreboard. Please see our sponsorship levels below and reach out to us if you would like to customize a package just for you.
Contact Vice President Reggie Austin at 813.802.0244 or email us at [email protected]
Click here to download sponsorship package
Local Little League Banner Advertising Agreement
Banner advertising in the Local Little League must be, for the Sponsor, out of a sense of duty to help the community. The higher purpose is to help the Local Little League impart the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play to the children of the community, so that they may someday use these values in becoming good citizens. Banner advertising in the Local Little League does not permit the Sponsor to have any rights or responsibilities in the operation of the Local Little League or any team in the Local Little League, nor does the Sponsor have any rights or responsibilities in the selection of managers, coaches or players for any team in the Local Little League. Nothing herein shall make us partners or joint venturers. The Sponsor and the Local Little League are independent contractors with respect to one another, and neither shall have any authority to represent or bind the other in any manner or to any extent whatsoever, except as specified herein. The Sponsor shall have the right to use the following term in advertisements, posters, brochures, newsletters, etc.: “Belmont Heights Little League.” Banner advertising does NOT give the Sponsor the right to use the word “official” in connection with its Sponsorship. Use of the “Keystone logo” or any other logo of Little League Baseball and Softball is prohibited, unless permission is expressly granted in writing by Little League International.